Achieve goals with less pain at work

We help organizations set clear goals and form a habit to review them on a timely basis.

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Insights and frameworks to help you understand and adopt OKR practice at scale.

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Product Ops

Building Product Ops as a force multiplier to scale Product organizations.

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System Work

Sharpening our awareness and skills in diagnosing as well as intervening in human systems.

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System Work

Caring for the system

When working within a human system, what does caring look like? Moreover, how do we demonstrate our care for the system as a whole?
"We are all personally touched by the care and empathy given by Product Narrative team, starting from those real-time feedbacks and delegation practice; to exercising outcome-based planning and prioritization.

I would highly recommend Product Narrative to any organization which is ready to unlock the benefits of adopting OKR."

Erwin Tanudjaja, CEO, Midtrans – 2019

"Thank you for all of your help in institutionalizing OKRs in GOJEK Financial Services group and becoming a part of the team.

I don't think we'd be as disciplined and structured in attacking our goals without your help and I'm really glad we found you via Midtrans late last year."

Ben Elberger, CEO, Gojek Financial Services Platform – 2020

"Throughout my professional career, this is one of the best engagements I’ve ever worked with. The same sentiment is shared by my team.

Thank you Product Narrative for making our OKR adoption happen.

Hadikusuma Wahab, Chief Product Officer, Vidio – 2020