"Bernarasi dengan OKR" Podcast

Product Narrative collaborated with Inspigo to launch Bernarasi dengan OKR.

This podcast dives into the theories behind OKR and combines them with practical tips. Bernarasi dengan OKR weaves a narrative journey about what OKR is, how to implement it, and the impact it brings to companies and teams, as told from our experience running and coaching OKR in some of the best companies in Indonesia.

Each episode runs for 15-20 minutes.

Note: every episode is delivered in Bahasa Indonesia.


Click on the episode title to see the details.

Episode 1: Bertemu kembali dengan OKR

Episode 2: OKR fundamental: mengenal elemen-elemen OKR

Episode 3: Mengupas mitos dan fakta terkait OKR

Episode 4: Elemen pendukung dalam menjalankan OKR

Episode 5: OKR adalah sebuah perjalanan

Episode 6: Bonus – Mitos dan fakta terkait OKR (lanjutan)

Episode 7: Bonus – Elemen pendukung dalam menjalankan OKR (lanjutan)