• 🎉 "How OKRs help build a work culture" guidebook is released (download). This is a collaboration with Ally.io, one of the SaaS leaders for OKR
  • 💪 Selected to lead an end-to-end online learning initiative for an Indonesian conglomeration, to support its digital transformation journey. We'd manage the learning platform, produce content (materials, quizzes, etc.) and curriculum; plus, report actionable analysis
  • 🎙 "Bernarasi dalam OKR" podcast episode no.2: "OKR Fundamental: Mengenal Elemen-elemen OKR" is live
  • 🎙 "Bernarasi dalam OKR" podcast episode no.3: "Mengupas Mitos dan Fakta terkait OKR" is live


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